Rebecca Mackenzie CounsellingBerkhamsted, Hertfordshire

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Frequently Asked Questions

- What if I am feeling really desperate?

The Samaritans are an organisation you can call 24 hours a day. Their number is: 116 123
Their website is:

- What happens if I need to cancel?

Let me know as soon as you can. The full session fee will be payable if less than 48 hours notice is given.

- What is your training?

I have a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling, awarded by ABC. I specialise in the Person Centred Approach.

- Do you keep notes?

I keep brief, anonymous notes on paper. Which I shred once we have finished working together.

- Do we have to meet every week?

Usually that is the best arrangement, however, there are circumstances under which meeting every other week can be agreed. Or sometimes it is appropriate for counselling to happen twice a week, if a client is feeling in need of more intense support through a particularly difficult time.

- How do you know counselling works?

From experience. I have had counselling myself, so have felt the benefits first hand. I have also seen how my clients have benefitted from being offered a consistent and caring relationship.

- How confidential is this?

I have supervision, to ensure that I am working ethically & competently, but do not use your full name or give any identifying details. Whatever you share with me will be treated as highly confidential. I will only break confidentiality if I am concerned you are a danger to yourself or someone else. I will always endeavour to talk with you about this first.


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